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Terms and Conditions - General Terms and Conditions for Seminars / Courses

1. Registration

    Registration for the seminars / courses can be made online, by e-mail or in writing by post or in person at the office. We consider your registration to be binding! In all cases you will receive a confirmation of acceptance. Telephone information about seminar / course bookings is non-binding, as the number of participants can change constantly. If the minimum number of participants has not been reached by then, it is also possible to move in later. If the maximum number of participants in a seminar / course has already been reached, the participant will be informed immediately, alternative seminar dates will be offered or placed on a waiting list.

    2. Scope of services / written form

      The scope of the services results from the seminar / course description on our online page. The seminar leader is not entitled to change the contractual conditions or to make commitments.

      3. Cost

        The prices valid at the time of registration for the seminars / courses and shown in the price overview apply plus statutory sales tax. The seminar / course costs are to be paid up to 10 days before the start of the seminar / course. The costs incurred such as accommodation, telephone, travel and transfer costs are not included in the prices and are paid by the seminar / course participant. Costs that arise from incorrect account details of the participants, unjustified revocation or insufficient funds are borne by the account holder.

        4. Discounts

          We do not grant a discount on specially marked seminars / courses. All discounts cannot be cumulated with other discounts.

          a) Discount for businesses:

          If two employees of a company attend the same course / seminar, we grant a discount of 10% on the second booking. For three or more employees from the same company, we grant a discount of 15% on the third and each subsequent booking.

          b) Discounts for courses:

          If the same person attends several seminars / courses, we grant a discount of 10% on the second, 15% on the third and a discount of 20% on each subsequent course.

          c) Discounts for trainees: Trainees receive a discount of 10% on our seminars / courses against proof (apprentice ID).

          5. Minimum number of registrations

            The prerequisite for holding a seminar / course is the minimum number of registrations set by the Pfeffer Pastry and Patisserie School at the beginning of the seminar / course. If this minimum number is not reached, Konditorei Pfeffer reserves the right to cancel or postpone the seminar / course at short notice and to choose a new date with you. A cancellation of the seminar / course by the confectionery Patisserieschule Pfeffer takes place in writing or by telephone.

            6. Dates

              The Konditorei Patisserieschule Pfeffer reserves the right to reschedule individual course dates as long as space is available in the desired seminar / course. In this case, the participant is entitled to cancel his / her participation in the seminar / course in writing. The cancellation must be made within two days of receipt of the message by Konditorei Patisserieschule Pfeffer. Cancellation for the participant is free of charge. There are no further claims.

              7. Withdrawal / repayment / cancellation of the course

                a) The Konditorei Patisserieschule Pfeffer can withdraw from the contract even after confirmation of registration due to lack of participation, failure of a seminar / course leader or for other reasons for which he is not responsible. Payments already made will be refunded or converted into a voucher. Further claims against the Pastry School Pfeffer are excluded.

                b) The withdrawal of a participant from the seminar / course must be announced in writing. The date of receipt at the Pfeffer Pastry and Patisserie School is decisive for the deadline. The seminar / course place can be transferred to other people.

                  c) Cancellation fees:

                  Free of charge up to 11 days before the start of the seminar / course

                  10 - 6 days before the start of the seminar / course, a cancellation fee of 50% of the seminar / course price will be charged

                  5-0 days before the start of the seminar / course, 100% cancellation fees will be charged from the seminar / course price

                  In the event of non-participation without deregistration, 100% of the seminar / course price will be charged

                  Failure to pay the seminar / course costs does not count as cancellation.

                  d) After the seminar / course has started, withdrawal is no longer possible. Exceptions can only be made upon presentation of a medical certificate, at least 35% seminar / course fee will be retained.

                  e) If the seminar / course is canceled unexpectedly, the seminar / course administration will inform the participants if possible. However, there is no entitlement to communication.

                  f) The obligation to pay does not apply if a substitute participant is provided who assumes all obligations.

                  8. Property Rights

                    Every registered participant has the right to use the content offered in the course of the seminars / courses for their own personal purposes, to print them out for themselves or to save them as files. Incidentally, the learning content must be kept confidential. Participants are not allowed to pass on, rent, lend or otherwise assign copying rights or market the content to third parties - be it for a fee or free of charge. The content provided by us is protected by copyright by the pastry shop Patisserieschule Pfeffer, authors or licensors. All rights thus established, in particular those of reprinting, translation, reproduction by photomechanical or similar means, storage and processing with the aid of EDP or their distribution in computer networks - even in extracts - are reserved for the authors and licensees. By attending the seminars / courses, the participants do not receive any ownership or exploitation rights to the content or products provided.

                    9. Liability

                      a) The Confectionery Patisserieschule Pfeffer assumes no liability to the participant for accidents on the way to or from the event location, as well as for the loss or damage of objects of any kind.

                      b) The Pfeffer Pastry Shop accepts no liability for damage, accidents, losses, delays or other irregularities.

                      c) Liability for damage caused by incorrect content and recommendations, technical failures or other inadequacies is excluded. This also applies to third-party services that are offered to the participants.

                      10. Organization of the seminars / courses

                        The venues and times are specially marked for each course. Changes can only be made in agreement with the Pfeffer pastry shop. The respective seminar / course leader handles the house rules and can completely or partially exclude persons who significantly disrupt the course / seminar from further participation. In this case, the participant is not entitled to a refund of the fees already paid.

                        11. Practical participation

                          For courses with the corresponding symbol, you will sometimes work practically.

                          12. Work clothes

                            For courses with the corresponding symbol, you must bring your work clothes. If no work clothes are available, they must be rented before the start of the course (€ 10.00 per course, € 50 deposit, refund of the deposit when the clothes are returned)

                            13. Data protection / photos

                              a) We would like to point out that we save the names and addresses of course participants on IT for further information. Addresses and telephone numbers of participants may not be passed on, the data of the course instructor only with his express consent.

                              b) It must be expected that course participants can be photographed in class. Konditorei Patisserieschule Pfeffer reserves the right to use this image material for marketing purposes (seminar advertising, homepage) without special consent.

                              14. Validity

                                Should individual provisions of the General Terms and Conditions for Seminars / Courses be wholly or partially void, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of the contract. Deviating agreements are only valid if they have been agreed in writing. With the announcement of new terms and conditions, all previous ones lose their validity.

                                15. Place of performance / place of jurisdiction / effectiveness

                                  The place of performance is the respectively announced location of the seminar / course. Miltenberg is agreed as the place of jurisdiction. If the Konditorei Patisserieschule Pfeffer waives the enforcement of these General Terms and Conditions for Seminars / Courses in individual cases, this does not mean any changes to these General Terms and Conditions for Seminars / Courses.

                                  Status: January 2016

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                                  NEWSLETTER abonnieren

                                  Angebote, Seminare, Neuheiten


                                  Firmenlogo Pfeffer

                                  Tel .: Sales 02363 2767 or 01 590 6534424

                                  Email for orders.:

                                  Office - administration Tel .: 02363 4789905

                                  Confectionery Cafe Chocolaterie Pfeffer
                                  Hohe Strasse 17 in 45711 Datteln, Germany

                                  For inquiries of all kinds, please use the contact form!

                                  Here you can send us your message, wishes, orders, other things

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